Providing Full Range Of Transportation Worldwide.

Reliable Logistic Solutions Saves Your Time!

Galeon International Shipping Company is one of the leading Freight forwarding, NVOCC service & Project Logistic, managed by a young dynamic team who are well equipped with their extensive shipping experience. This allows us to provide local market coverage in addition to our world reliable agents who are also operating NVOCC Services which allow them to negotiate competitive freight with major shipping lines.

We have our Head office located in UAE – Dubai and braches All over India & Middle East. This is allowing us to provide local market coverage in addition to our world reliable agents who are also operating NVOCC Services which allow them to negotiate competitive freight with major shipping lines.

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Affordable Price, Certified Forwarders

Safe, Reliable & Express NVOCC , Freight Forwarding and Logistic Solutions That Saves Your Time!

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Global Solutions for NVOCC


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Affordable Price, Certified Forwarders

We pride ourselves on providing the best transport and shipping services available allover the world. Our skilled personnel, utilising the latest communications, tracking and processing software, combined with decades of experience through integrated supply chain.

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